Your A~D~D~I~C~T Printed Bundle Contains:
Team Organization & Hiring Kit--- with PRINTED Manuals, Forms and Workbooks
(with Activation Code/Key for one computer)
Team Member Training Kit --- with PRINTED Manuals, Forms and Workbooks
(with Activation Code/Key for one computer)
Scheduling Design Kit --- with PRINTED Manuals, Forms and Workbooks
(with Activation Code/Key for one computer)
New Patient Experience Kit --- with PRINTED Manuals, Forms and Workbooks
(with Activation Code/Key for one computer)
Reporting System Kit --- with PRINTED Manuals, Forms and Workbooks
(with Activation Code/Key for one computer)
A free Self-Optimization Reference Library
A~D~D~I~C~T Printed Straightforward Guides to Analyze, Decide, Design, Implement, Critique, and Tweak all of the systems in all of the version-3.0 management kits
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