Dr. Dean C. Bellavia



The "Associate" Question

Thursday, 19 June 2014 01:02
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Are you the Associate or Partner Type?  Simply answer the following questions to find out.


1) If my partner and I disagreed, would I concede to my partner if it were best for the practice, even if it wasn't best for me?


2) Can I share “equal practice name billing” (vs. the partnership being in my name)?


If YES to both questions, you are the partner type…if no, you are not, but maybe you can handle an associate.  Simply answer the following question to find out.


Can you allow another doctor to decide on the daily course of your patient’s treatment?


If YES, you are the associate type…if no, you are not and should not hire an associate.


If considering a partner or associate you might find the “Ultimate Practice Transition Kit” of value in finding the best partner/associate for you.

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